Tissue Culture Aroids

Tissue Culture Aroids

Monstera deliciosa

Monstera deliciosa, also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant, is a popular aroid with distinctive, split leaves. It’s a great indoor plant that can add a tropical touch to any interior decor.

Philodendron ‘Birkin’

The Philodendron ‘Birkin’ is a compact aroid known for its striking white pinstripes against dark green foliage. It’s a fantastic choice for smaller spaces or as a desk plant.

Epipremnum aureum

Epipremnum aureum, or the Golden Pothos, is an easy-to-care-for aroid that does well in a range of light conditions. Its vine growth habit makes it perfect for hanging baskets or trellis training.

Anthurium ‘Andraeanum’

The Anthurium ‘Andraeanum’, known for its heart-shaped, bright red spathes, is a vibrant and attractive aroid that can add a splash of color to any indoor plant collection.